It isn’t uncommon for cars to get stifling hot during the summer months. This can make it incredibly uncomfortable to drive. Though keeping your air conditioner in the best condition will help to keep your vehicle comfortable, there are several steps that you can do to ensure that your car will cool down much more quickly. At Layton Car Care, we can provide you with air conditioner maintenance and repairs to minimize discomfort that you may face with your car’s interior this summer. Here are a few ways that you can cool down your car’s interior in the summer.
Use the Car Door
As your vehicle heats up, the air inside is the biggest cause of discomfort. In order to cool down the car’s interior, it will be important to remove this hot air from the vehicle. If you have a few extra minutes, you can help to remove this air before you start driving. An effective way to do this is to use the car door as a pump to force hot air out from your vehicle. Roll down the window on the passenger side and open and shut the driver’s side door multiple times. This will serve to move the hot air from your vehicle.
Remove Hot Air
There are other ways that can help you to remove hot air from your vehicle. When you begin driving, you may want to roll the windows down to help the air escape from the property. If you have a sun roof, this is a particularly effective way to remove the hot air. Heat rises, so an open sun roof provides the perfect escape for the hot air in the car.
Park in the Shade when Possible
If it is possible to park in the shade, this will help you to keep the interior of the car cooler. While this may not completely offset any discomfort, it will have a measurable difference to the extent of the heat inside of the vehicle.
Cool off your Steering Wheel
If you have a leather steering wheel, it may be painful to touch the steering wheel when you first get into your car. When you take the steps to cool off your steering wheel, you will be able to ensure a more comfortable environment. It can be beneficial to keep a cloth and a spray bottle filled with water in your vehicle. You can then dampen the cloth and wipe down the steering wheel with it. The cooling effect from the water will enable the steering wheel to cool down more quickly.
Use the Air Conditioner
One seemingly obvious step to cool down the car’s interior is to turn on the air conditioner. However, it is important to not turn the air conditioner on max. When you use the maximum setting on your air conditioner, it will pull air from inside of the car, cool it, and recycle it back through the vehicle. By setting your air conditioner lower, you will ensure that the air is pulled from outside, which will have cooler air. This allows the air conditioner to cool the air more quickly. It is also important to provide the appropriate maintenance for your air conditioner in order to keep it operating effectively.
Change the Filters
There are several filters in your vehicle that all perform an important function. One of these filters helps with your air conditioner to ensure that it provides clean air throughout your vehicle. When the filter becomes clogged, the AC will stop working efficiently. By changing the filter, you can ensure that your air conditioner is better at cooling your vehicle.
With the right maintenance, you can help to maintain a far more comfortable vehicle. Our team at Layton Car Care can provide an array of services to help you keep your vehicle in the best possible condition. To learn more about how to cool down your vehicle and minimize discomfort during your commute, contact us at Layton Car Care today!